Every industry has its secrets.
An airline charges you one price for a ticket on Tuesday.
But on Wednesday the same ticket is half off.
A restaurant gets a delivery of fresh meat and vegetables once a week.
A 2,000 lb. cow is squeezed into a small, tasty sausage.
These are secrets.
Sometimes knowing this information can save you time and money.
Other times, like with the sausage, you probably don’t want to know.
Either way, you’d have to be an insider to get these secrets.
The world of private English lessons is the same.
We’ve got out own dirty secrets.
For example, How do you get better English lessons without paying more?
Well, lucky for you, you’ve got a man on the inside – me.
My name is Ryan Viguerie.
Some call me, Mr. Vig.
I’m the founder of Teacher Creature.
And I’ve been teaching English to private students since 2004.
In this article you’ll learn a secret that most teachers will never admit to.
But it happens all the time.
Some students get better English lessons.
And knowing this secret can save you both time and money.
And get you to fluency faster.
The following is a true story…
The Story Of Two English Students
I have a lesson with Slavomir at 9 am.
It’s 9:05.
I’m sitting in his office waiting.
I get a text message on my phone.
He says he’ll be a few minutes late.
He arrives. Gives orders to his secretary. Checks his email. Then finally turns to me.
“How are you?”
“Good. How are you?”
For the next five minutes Slavomir tells me about his boss.
His boss the idiot…
I change the subject and suggest we talk about the article I sent him.
He tells me he didn’t read it.
He returns to complaining about his boss.
Almost time to go.
I take out my diary to schedule the next lesson and the next assignment.
Slavomir tells me he’s busy next week.
And the next.
I make a mental note to reduce my budget this month by another 1,000 crowns.
I’m sitting in another office in another building.
Lenka walks in at 10:30.
Right on time.
She smiles, shakes my hand, and offers me a coffee.
We start talking about her weekend and upcoming vacation.
It’s a pleasant warm-up topic.
After a few minutes I switch the subject to the article which I sent her.
She takes out a printed copy.
I see where she’s underlined words and written notes on the side.
I take out my diary to schedule our next meeting and her next assignment.
She asks if she can have an extra lesson next week to prepare for her trip to Scotland.
She asks if we can do some airport and restaurant roleplays.
“Of course,” I say. “I’ll send a list of usefull vocabulary we can practice.”
“That sounds perfect,” Lenka replies.
We shake hands.
And I leave her office feeling good and already looking forward to our next lesson.
Fast Forward Two Months – Which Student Gets The Better English Lessons?

What will future lessons with Slavomir look like?
Will I continue to prepare custom lessons for him if he never does them?
Will I continue to reserve his preferred morning time if he often cancels and doesn’t pay?
And will he improve his English if he never reads or listens during the week and only speaks for one or two hours every months without a plan?
Now what about Lenka?
And most importantly, will her English improve faster than Slavomir’s?
In future lessons with Slavomir and Lenka it will be the same teacher, teaching the same language, getting paid the same price….
But which student do you think will get the better lesson?
How To Be A Good Student
Lenka is the clear winner here.
She will get better lessons.
And she will improve her English faster.
And the reason why?
Simply because she’s the better student.
Two students with the same teacher, but with different results.
What does it mean to be a good student?
- Be on time.
- Do your assignments.
- Be positive.
- Don’t cancel lessons.
Because good students get better lessons.
Is That All? Tell Me!
How else can you be a good student?
What are your secrets.
Tell me in the comment section below.
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